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Flexible Films Slitter Sets New Speed Record of 500M/MIN with Razor Blade


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Release time: 08-21 16:13


HAVESINO is a 13 years history company specializing in R&D, manufacturing and sales of various slitting equipment. We focus on produce the slitter rewinder and related equipment for various films, ribbons, paper, labels, self-adhesive, aluminum foil and other materials. We currently have more than 1000 devices in use in more than 100 countries and regions. We are the first company to manufacture and export 4 Turret Dulplex Slitter Rewinder and the first company to manufacture and export automatic cash register paper slitting machines in China.

In a groundbreaking demonstration of cutting technology, a video showcasing a cutting-edge flexible films slitter has taken the industry by storm. The video captures the remarkable feat of the slitter slicing through flexible films at an impressive speed of 500 meters per minute, all while maintaining a level of stability that underscores its precision and reliability. The star of the show is undoubtedly the "flexible films slitter," which is highlighted numerous times throughout the video. The slitter boasts exceptional specifications that further reinforce its prowess. With a rewinding width of 40mm, a working width of 1600mm, and the capacity to handle a maximum unwinding diameter of 800mm, this machine is designed to handle a wide array of flexible films with ease. One of the most impressive aspects of this cutting-edge technology is its ability to maintain a stable working speed of 500 meters per minute. This remarkable feat is achieved through the use of razor blade precision, a testament to the engineering excellence behind this innovative machinery. With a maximum rewinding diameter of 600mm, the machine ensures efficient and effective operation, streamlining the slitting process for various industries. The video not only showcases the impressive performance of the flexible films slitter but also speaks volumes about the advancements within the manufacturing sector. The technology's ability to handle films at such a rapid pace while maintaining precision is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the engineers behind it. As industries continue to demand faster and more precise solutions, the flexible films slitter sets a new standard in efficiency, showcasing the remarkable heights that modern manufacturing technology can reach. For those looking to experience the capabilities of this cutting-edge flexible films slitter firsthand, further information can be obtained through the provided contact details. For inquiries, please reach out via email at or through WhatsApp at +86 135 0681 3068. Additional information can also be found on the official website at


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